149 research outputs found

    Analysis of Student Interpersonal Intelligence in Mathematics Learning: Case Study Junior High School State (SMP N) in Sukoharjo

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    Interpersonal intelligence is one of 8 Gardner's intelligences. This intelligence is the ability to assess and understand the needs of others, and act according to their ways of managing interactions with someone. The purpose of this qualitative descriptive study was to analyze the eighth graders' interpersonal intelligence in mathematics learning. Research subjects were 49 students from SMP N 2 Sukoharjo and SMP N 2 Baki. In this study, data were obtained through an interpersonal intelligence questionnaire based on three aspects namely social sensitivity, social insight and social communication skills. The results of this study revealed that in SMP N 2 Sukoharjo 31% had interpersonal intelligence in the "high" category, 38% had interpersonal intelligence in the "moderate" category, and 31% had interpersonal intelligence in the "low" category. Furthermore, in SMP N 2 Baki 26% had interpersonal intelligence in the "high" category, 39% had interpersonal intelligence in the "modarate" category, and 35% had interpersonal intelligence in the "low" category. Therefore, it can be concluded that the average interpersonal intelligence of eighth grade students of SMP N 2 Baki and SMP N 2 Sukoharjo in mathematics learning has almost equal intelligence. To improve students' interpersonal intelligence, teachers should update learning models that are more interactive so that students are accustomed to interacting with the teacher and their friends

    Evaluasi Proses Pembelajaran Matematika Kelompok Belajar Paket C Harapan Kecamatan Gemolong Kabupaten Sragen

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi dan mendiskripsikan 1) Proses pembelajaran matematika di Kejar Paket C PKBM Harapan Kecamatan Gemolong, 2) Pelaksanaan kurikulum di Kejar Paket C PKBM Harapan Kecamatan Gemolong, 3) Kendala-kendala dalam proses pembelajaran matematika di Kejar Paket C PKBM Harapan Kecamatan Gemolong, 4) Untuk memberikan rekomendasi solusi terhadap kendala yang muncul pada proses pembelajaran matematika Kejar Paket C PKBM Harapan Kecamatan Gemolong.Penelitian ini adalah penelitian evaluatif dengan pendekatan deskritif kualitatif. Sumber informasi dalam penelitian ini adalah Kepala Sekolah, siswa atau warga belajar, guru atau tutor Kejar Paket C Harapan Kecamatan Gemolong Kabupaten Sragen. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah teknik wawancara, observasi kelas dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah teknik alur yang meliputi pengumpulan data, penyajian data, reduksi data dan penarikan kesimpulan.Dari hasil analisis data dapat disimpulkan bahwa: 1) proses pembelajaran matematika di kelas Kejar Paket C Harapan Kecamatan Gemolong belum berlangsung kondusif, guru atau tutor menggunakan metode yang monoton sehingga siswa merasa jenuh, 2) pelaksanaan kurikulum di Kejar Paket C Harapan telah sesuai dengan ketentuan Kurikulum Pendidikan Kesetaraan, 3) kendala-kendala yang dihadapi dalam proses pembelajaran antara lain kebanyakan siswa membawa anak-anak mereka ke dalam kelas, guru jarang mengikuti workshop model pembelajaran, tidak tersedia buku pegangan siswa.Rekomendasi atas kendala yang dihadapi dalam proses pembelajaran adalah: 1) menganjurkan siswa agar tidak membawa anak-anak ke dalam kelas, 2) mengikutkan guru dalam workshop model pembelajaran, 3) pengadaan buku pegangan siswa secara bertahap

    Eksperimentasi Pembelajaran Stad Dengan Media Power Point Dan Model Bangun Ruang Materi Bangun Ruang Sisi Lengkung Ditinjau Dari Gaya Belajar

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    The objective of this research are to investigate: (1) which one that is more effective in teaching geometry, the STAD type of cooperative learning model with Power Point media or that with Geometrical Model media or that with Conventional media, (2) which learning style results in a better learning achievement and (3) which media used in the STAD learning model results in a better learning achievement in each learning style of the students.This research used the quasi-experimental method. The population of this research was the 9th-grade students of the state junior secondary schools in Ngawi regency in the academic year of 2012/2013. The samples of this research consisted of 250 students who were divided into 85 students of the first experiment class, 83 students of the second experiment class, and 82 students of the control class. The samples were taken by using stratified cluster random sampling. The data of this research were gathered through documentation, test, and questionnaire. The hypothesis of this research were tested by using unbalanced Two-way Analysis of Variance. Conclusions drawn are as follows: (1) the STAD learning model with the Power Point media is better than the STAD learning models with the Geometrical Model and the Conventional media whereas the STAD learning model with the Geometrical Model media is equal to the STAD learning model with the Conventional media; (2) the students with the kinesthetic learning style have a better learning achievement than those with the visual and auditory learning styles whereas the students with the visual learning style have an equal learning achievement to those with the auditory learning style; (3) the STAD learning model with the Power Point media results in a better learning achievement than that with the Conventional media whereas the STAD learning model with the Power Point media results in an equal learning achievement to that with the Geometrical Model media and the STAD learning model with the Power Point media results in an equal learning achievement to that with the Conventional media in the visual learning style; (4) the STAD learning model with the all of the three types of media results in an equal learning achievement in the auditory learning style; and (5) the STAD learning model with the Geometrical Model media results in a better learning achievement than that with the Conventional media whereas the STAD learning model with the Power Point media results in an equal learning achievement to that with the Geometrical Model media and the STAD learning model with the Power Point media results in an equal learning achievement to that with the Conventional media in the kinesthetic learning style

    Eksperimentasi Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Think Pair Share Dengan Guided Note Taking Pada Pokok Bahasan Bangun Datar Ditinjau Dari Kemandirian Belajar Pada Siswa SMP Kelas VII Di Kota Surakarta Tahun Pelajaran 2013/2014

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    The aim of research is to determine the effect of learning models on learning achievement viewed from students independence learning. The type of the research is a quasi-experimental. The population are the seventh grade students of junior high school at Surakarta. The sample are 268 students. Sampling is done by stratified cluster random sampling. Instruments which are used to collect data are achievement tests and questionnaire of students independence learning. Hypothesis test is two-way analysis of variance with unbalanced cells. The results of this research are as follows: 1) the TPS-GNT learning model gives better learning achievement than TPS and direct learning model, and TPS learning model gives better learning achievement than direct learning model. 2) the students with high independence learning have better learning achievement than students with medium and low independence learning, and the students with medium independence learning have better learning achievement than students with low independence learning. 3) in each learning model, the students with high, medium and low independence learning have the same learning achievement. 4) in the high independence learning, students with TPS-GNT, TPS and direct learning model have the same learning achievement, but in the medium and low independence learning, students with TPS-GNT learning model have better learning achievement than students with direct model, students with TPS-GNT and TPS learning model have the same learning achievement and students with TPS and direct learning model have the same learning achievement

    Analisis Berpikir Kritis Siswa Dalam Pemecahan Masalah Matematika Berdasarkan Polya Pada Pokok Bahasan Persamaan Kuadrat (Penelitian Pada Siswa Kelas X Smk Muhammadiyah 1 Sragen Tahun Pelajaran 2013/2014)

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    This research aims were to describe: (1) students' level of critical thinking, (2) students' process of critical thinking in problem solving based on Polya, (3) factors influencing students' process of critical thinking. This was a descriptive qualitative research. Subject of the research was students grade X AP 1 of SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Sragen consisting of four students. Subject was selected using purposive sampling. Instrument of collecting data were observation, problem solving test and interview. Validity of the data was tested using triangulation method. The data were analyzed by: (1) classifying the data in level of critical thinking based on indicators of critical thinking stated by Ennis; (2) analyzing each critical thinking level based on four steps of Polya's problem solving; (3) analyzing factors influencing students' process of critical thinking. From the research on 36 students, the results of students' level of critical thinking are 19.4% for critical thinking level 0, 72.2% for critical thinking level 1, 5.6% for critical thinking level 2 and 2.8% for critical thinking level 3. Students' process of critical thinking in (a) understanding problems, critical thinking level 0 was not able to construct point of the problems and reveal the facts, critical thinking level 1, 2, and 3 were able to construct point of the problems and reveal the facts; (b) making a plan, critical thinking level 0 was not able to detect the bias and determine theorem in solving problems, critical thinking level 1 was not able to detect the bias but was able to theorem in solving problems, critical thinking level 2 and 3 were able to detect the bias and determine theorem in solving problems; (c) carrying out the plan, critical thinking level 0 was not able to solve problems as the planning, critical thinking level 1, 2 and 3 were able to solve problems as the planning; (d) looking back the completed solution, critical thinking level 0 and 1 were not able to select logical argument and to draw conclusion, however, critical thinking level 1 was able to solve the problems using another method, critical thinking level 2 was not quite able to select logical argument and to draw conclusion, but it was able to solve the problems using another method, and critical thinking level 3 was able to select logical argument, to draw conclusion and to solve the problems using another method. Factors influencing students' process of critical thinking are students were not accustomed to solve story problems so that they were not able to understand the problems, students found it difficult to construct Mathematics model, and students were accustomed to solve questions using only one method

    Perbandingan Kemampuan Representasi Dan Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Matematik Pada Siswa Yang Mendapat Pembelajaran Kooperatif Disertai Quantum Learning Dengan Siswa Yang Mendapat Pembelajaran Kontekstual Ditinjau Dari Kemampuan Awal Siswa

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    The objectives of this research are to investigate the effect of learning models on representation and mathematical problem solving ability viewed from the student prior knowledge. The learning models compared were cooperative combined with quantum learning and contextual learning. The samples of this research were taken by using stratified cluster random sampling technique. The populations were all of the students in grade VII of State Primary Schools in Sukoharjo regency 2012/2013. The number of the samples was 142 students, in which 72 students in the experimental class one, and 72 students in the experimental class two. The instrument used to collect the data were test of the representation ability and test of the problem solving ability. The data was analyzed by using multivariate analysis of variance. The results of the research are: (1) the students taught by using contextual learning have better on both the representation and the mathematical problem solving ability than the students taught by using cooperative combined with quantum learning, (2) the students having high prior knowledge category have better on both the representation and the mathematical problem solving ability than the students having medium prior knowledge category, and the students having medium prior knowledge category have better on both the representation and the mathematical problem solving ability than students having low prior knowledge category, (3) there was no interactions between the learning model and the prior knowledge toward the students\u27 representation and mathematical problem solving ability. It means that the use of either of contextual learning model or cooperative combined with quantum learning model, the students having high prior knowledge category have better on both the representation and mathematical problem solving ability than the students having medium prior knowledge category, and the students having medium prior knowledge category have better on both the representation and the mathematical problem solving ability than the students with low prior knowledge category. The students having high, medium, or the low prior knowledge taught by using contextual learning have better on both the representation and the mathematical problem solving ability than the students taught by using cooperative combined with quantum learning

    Eksperimentasi Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Teams Game Tournament (Tgt) Dan Team Assisted Individualization (Tai) Dengan Pendekatan Saintifik Ditinjau Dari Kecerdasan Logis Matematis Siswa Kelas VII SMP Negeri Se-kabupaten Karanganyar

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    This research aimed to know: (1) which one of the learning models with scientific approach gave a better mathematics achievement, TGT, TAI, or classical; (2) which one has a better mathematics achievement, the students with high logical mathematical intelligence( LMI), the students with the medium LMI, and the students with the low LMI; (3) in each learning models with scientific approach, which one has a better mathematics achievement, the students with high LMI, the students with the medium LMI, and the students with the low LMI; (4) in each category LMI, which one gave a better mathematics achievement, TGT, TAI, or classical. This research used the quasi experimental research method with the factorial design of 3 x 3. This population was all of the students in Grade VII of State Junior Secondary Schools of Karanganyar. The samples of the research were taken by using the stratified cluster random sampling technique. The instruments used to gather the data were test of learning achievement in mathematics and test of LMI. The proposed hypotheses of the research were tested by using the two-way analysis of variance with unbalanced cells. The results of the research were as follows. 1) The students instructed TGT had a better learning achievement in mathematics than those instructed TAI and those instructed with the classical learning model. Furthermore, the students instructed with TAI had a better learning achievement in mathematics than those instructed with the classical learning models. 2) The learning achievement in mathematics of the students with the high LMI was better than that of the students with the medium LMI and the students with the low LMI. In addition, the learning achievement in mathematics of the students with the medium LMI was better than that of the students with the low LMI. 3) In each learning model of the TGT, TAI, and the classical learning models, the students with the high LMI had a better learning achievement in mathematics than that of those with the medium LMI and those with the low LMI. Moreover, the students with the medium LMI had a better learning achievement in mathematics than that of those with the low LMI. 4) In each of the students with the high, medium, and low LMI, TGT gave better learning achievement in mathematics than TAI and the classical learning models. Furthermore, TAI gave better learning achievement in mathematics than the classical learning models
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